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Q. What is the Order of the Eastern Star?

A. The Order of The Eastern Star is the largest Fraternal Organization in the world to which both women and men can belong.


Q. Can any woman or man belong?

A. No. Only women with specific Masonic affiliation may become members, and men who are Master Masons are eligible. A petitioner must be of good moral character, believe in a Supreme Being, have attained the age of 18, believe in the laws of the United States of America, be willing to assume the obligation of the Order, be able to participate in the Ceremony of Initiation, be free from disqualifying mental illness, be a resident of the State for the last 12 months (exceptions), and not be convicted of a felony (or adjudged an habitual criminal) under the law of any State, or of the United States.


Q. What Masonic affiliation is required for a woman to become a member?

A. She must be the wife, daughter, legally adopted daughter, mother, widow, stepmother, sister, stepsister, half-sister, granddaughter, or stepdaughter of a Master Mason or the grandmother, great granddaughter, niece or daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, or daughter of sisters or brothers of affiliated Master Masons, or a majority member of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls or International Order of Job's Daughters.


Q. Must the Master Mason, whom a woman might be using for her affiliation, belong to the Eastern Star before she can become a member?

A. No.


Q. May a woman use, as her affiliation, a Master Mason who has died?

A. Yes. Provided the Master Mason was a member in good standing at the time of his death. A letter of verification from the man's Lodge will be required before the Degrees of the Order of The Eastern Star may be given.


Q. When was the Order of the Eastern Star formed?

A. Dr. Rob Morris, the poet laureate of Masonry, conceived the Order of the Eastern Star in 1850.


Q. What is the basis of the Order of Eastern Star?

A. Dr. Morris created the Degrees of the Eastern Star around the lives of five Biblical women. They were Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha, and Electa. The reason was that each of these Biblical examples stands for one of the tenets of the Order. They are Fidelity, Constancy, Loyalty, Faith and Love.


Q. Is the Order of the Eastern Star a religion?

A. No. The Order of the Eastern Star is not a religion. It does not pretend to take the place of a religion or serve as a substitute for the religious beliefs of its members. Our only requirement is belief in a Supreme Being.


Q. What are the purposes and goals of the Order of the Eastern Star?

A. To provide an organization where women and men with high moral and social character can contribute much time, energy and wisdom to our Order with Charity, Truth and Loving-kindness for the good of all mankind throughout the world. How Does One Belong?


Q. How may I express a desire to join the Order of the Eastern Star?

A. If you are not familiar with anyone in a Chapter in your area, you may contact the Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter of California, for the name, address, and phone number of a Chapter in your area to express your desire for additional information.


Q. What procedure should I follow when I have decided that I would like to join a chapter?

A. The Chapter you intend to join will provide you with a Petition which you must fill out completely. It should be returned to the Chapter Secretary, as soon as possible, with the appropriate fees.


Q. What happens after I submit my petition?

A. Your petition will be submitted to an Investigation Committee composed of members of the Chapter that you wish to join. Shortly thereafter the members of the Investigation Committee will contact you individually to set up a time and place for a meeting. This is done (1) To ask a few very simple questions, (2) To provide you an opportunity to meet some of the Chapter members, (3) To provide you an opportunity to ask and receive answers to any additional questions that you might have, and (4) To verify your Masonic affiliation. The information that the Investigation Committee receives will be reported to the Worthy Matron.


Q. What will be the next step?

A. If all of the information is in order, the report of the Investigation Committee will be submitted to the Chapter members at a stated meeting and a vote will be taken. If favorable, you will have been elected to receive the Degrees of the Order of the Eastern Star. The Secretary will notify you of the results of the election and arrange for you to be initiated into the Order.

Q. Is there any memory work?

A. There is no mandatory memory work except the means of making yourself known if you wish to visit a Chapter or if you become an officer. A short proficiency examination is strictly voluntary but encouraged.

Q. Is the Order patriotic and democratic?

A. Yes. Members are taught an allegiance to preserve the good order of their country. We strongly support the government of the United States of America.

To request more information:

Contact:  Stephanie Bezner

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